Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week 1 Almost In the Can, Bitch!

I did it.

This Four Hour Body diet is now officially the longest diet I've stuck to in my entire life. Five days. I seriously feel like a drug addict who finally got through the DTs. How you like me now? I got another interesting tidbit for you readers out there too: Guess who else got on board with me...Mr. Fridgerino himself. Apparently he started breathing a little heavy in his soon-to-be-wife's face during sleepy time and scared her. So I'm trying to get him to tag team this bitch with me.

So, my week consisted these highlights:

Egg Whites - Seriously, are egg whites made from cat vomit? How bad can one thing taste? I've tried mixing this shit with everything and all the time I get the taste of concentrated shit. I know they are good for me, I know it is necessary to consume endless amounts of protein, but what the fuck? Can we find something better than this?

MEAT! - Love it. I can't eat enough beef and chicken over here. I feel like a caveman most days, but what I'm finding is the more protein I have coursing through my body, the more aware of my surroundings. Now I know why some animals eat this exclusively, I'm getting down to my base self here and love the primal nature.

Cold Showers - While I've done this before in order to stave off sexual desire, I now use this to ramp up my fat loss and I can't get enough of it. It's like a fight to the death between my mind and my body for dominance. My body wants to run away, my mind wants to stick it out and take all comers. Try it, you'll love it. Make anything a competition and I'm all for it. Like the white, out-of-shape, and less-talented Michael Jordan.

This Saturday marks my one week and my first ever binge day. I've already made a list of things I am going to eat and I assure you that the closet fat kid in me is going to go absolutely insane. Seriously, what if Betty Ford told alcoholics and heroin addicts that they had one day a week to go shithouse? Most of them would be dead by now. I swear to Christ I might eat a human being if it's available. Just make sure you keep your hands and feet away from my mouth.



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