Saturday, January 8, 2011

CHEAT DAY! A Running blog of binge eating

I made it, week and a half of all protein, all vegetables, nothing bad for me, and I finally get rewarded today. Just to give you a running blog, I will tell you all of the things I am eating, creeping ever closer to nausea.

7:30 AM - Wake up, two glasses of ice water on empty stomach.

8:10 AM - Vega Green meal replacement shake (30g Protein, enough vitamins to choke a goat)*

[Proctored SSATs - Drank half gallon of water]

12:30 PM- Glass of grapefruit juice, spoonful of all-natural peanut butter

12:45 PM- Three "Buck Doubles" from Burger King

1:45 PM - Glass of monkey-picked oolong tea, spoonful of peanut butter, followed by forty "air squats" in the kitchen while my wife entertained her mother and sisters.

2:45 - Garlic parmesan fries, mozzarella and pepperoni pizza, diet coke

4:00 - Nap

5:14 - Poo

7:00 - Get the word I am going out tonight, decide it best to stay away from large quantities of food and decide to drink my dinner, since it is the only day that I can.

9:00-1:45 - Six beers consumed of varying flavors.

2:00 - Bed.

Calorie count: Buck Doubles = 410 calories x 3 = 1230 calories
Pizza with pepperoni = 290 calories per slice x4 = 1160 calories
One pound of French fries = 400 calories (based on estimate) = 400 calories
Peanut butter = 94 calories per tbsp x 2 = 188 Calories
Beer = Miller Lite = 96 x 4 / Winter Lager = 190 x 2 = 764 calories

All for a grand total of 3,742 calories.

Not the grand total I wanted, but needless to say I was quite engorged by the time I was done. I plan on taking more in next Saturday when I hit up some more fast food establishments.

1 comment:

nicola bingo jones said...

Theres no need to be so harsh on yourself eat what you like in moderation and walk for 30 minutes a day we all obsese over food and eat only when hungrey and stop when you are full.