Sunday, March 23, 2008

R Von D's Internet Videos of the Week: Vol. 2

Back from vacation, thought I'd break you assholes off somethin' proper.

1. The Best Scenes from "The Wicker Man:"
If you haven't seen this Nicholas Cage box office bomb, here are the best parts. And by "best parts" I mean "unintentionally absolutely goddamn hilarious parts" like Cage punching women and getting a helmet of bees put on his head. Please to enjoy.

2. Midget Wrestler Tossed Into A Sliding Face Plant:

There are very few things in this world that make me happier than a retard with an ice cream cone. Three of these things come together in one glorious internet clip: midgets (or "little people" to be politically correct), professional wrestling, and face plants. Watch how far this little bastard slides across the ring. Don't you just want to pick him up and hug him after that?

Midget Tossed Into A Sliding Faceplant - Watch more free videos

3. The Ipecac Vomit Prank:

Glorious prank I wish I could pull off on one of my friends that doesn't like me all that much (K-Rock comes to mind). I think this kid's reaction is a bit much. I like to think that after the searing pain in my stomach subsided and there was no more stomach fluids for me to flush out, I'd have a good laugh. At least I think, I may kill some people first, guess we'll have to wait and see right?

Ipecac Vomit Prank - Watch more free videos

4. Canadian Reporter Gets Smoked By A Sled Mid-Broadcast:

This happened to me once so I should feel bad right? Wrong. This happened to me when I was fuckin' five and not a grown man broadcasting on live television. Take that, queer.

Reporter Owned By Sled - Watch more free videos

5. A Video From the "Are You Serious?" Files:
Meet Sharon and Fred. They make movies. They're also married and are probably the two creepiest people I have ever seen. The cuts are awful, the dialog is horrible, the animation is worst thing I have ever seen, and I pray to God that these people don't have kids. Oh, and how about mentioning the anniversary at the end of this? What are these two going to tape on their anniversary? Could you imagine Fred piping Sharon with some Loch Ness Monster animation in the background? Yeah, have fun with that image in your head the rest of the day.

Worlds Best Video Production Company - Watch more free videos

Enjoy ya bastids,

R to the D


Keefe said...

wow, lot of good stuff there. not sure what my favorite part is. maybe the reporter being forced to "walk it off" after he got clipped.

Pete said...

i really enjoy these youtube videos...lots of funny stuff.

i also found this from the wicker man (it includes most of the clips from that video):

looks look a good film.