Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can I Get an Encore?

So there I was, gchatting my afternoon away when a dear friend of mine asked me out of the blue why Los Hermanos Fantasticos (RVonD and the Fridge) had not been blogging anymore. Sure, we were way ahead of our time. We were so good, in fact, that shit just got too boring for us. There I was posting awesome videos and commenting on them, then Daniel Tosh went and fucked me over with his stupid show.

INTERLUDE: True story, I saw him live last week and he readily admitted that what he does for a living was the result of pure luck, and that it requires no talent to stand in front of a green screen and read what other people wrote (Looking right at YOU as well, Joel McHale).


Shit has gone down in the past year or so. Like, some serious shit. First and foremost you should know, both The Fridge and I now have females we LEGALLY have to answer to (read: Married). I'm back mocking children for a living, and Fridge has even more responsibility at his job with no raise in pay. I also have a mustache.

Moreover, In my talks with C-zanne I asked her what could a married, 30-year-old have to say that is in any way as funny as a miserable 25-year-old single asshole living in the middle of nowhere. After some soul searching, it occurred to me that shit is always going to be whack, people are always going to piss me off, the internet is a vast cavern much like the universe, and webcams are now more readily available to the lowest common denominator.

I am going to make every effort to see that this blog lives fat and happy. I probably need to do this now more than you need to read it, but screw it. I got nothing to do for the next week or so, God only knows what I'm going to be posting on here, but it is my hope that you dig it hard. Just because I'm now middle-aged now, that shouldn't mean that I need to go soft.

Let's Rage,


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